It's been very long since I've written a post! I'll update you guys with the cool things in my life soon but first, let's have a few Driving Lessons.
Sadly, I don't have many pictures but I'm going to write clear enough that you get the gist of what I'm talking, even newbie drivers.
The downside of going to a driving school is their cars are 'special'. The passenger's seat also has a set of Accelerator, Brake and Clutch, so when you think you're driving nicely, you aren't.. it's just your 'master' who's making it easy for you. Also, driving your own car and the driving school car is very different. Your car maybe in top condition, theirs- maybe not so much.
P.S: I've taught myself how to drive (ok, my sister taught me how to start the car) but everything else is my opinion what I've learnt so far and how I learnt. /nobigdeal

In Urdu, you start writing from the right hand side of the page and the Accelerator Brake Clutch are placed Urdu Style
Before starting the car, keep your feet on them and repeat five times while feeling them: Accelerator, Brake, Clutch I'm not joking. Make your conscience used to this and you won't panic ever.
Voila! Your car is moving!
It's fine. Happens to me when in crowded places. People behind honk horns, auto wallahs curse you, passing by bikers say, "gadi chalani nahi aati" loud enough for you to hear, sometimes I'm in the middle of the road, that is the Worst Driving Moment Ever. The key is deep breaths. Siriusly.
When your car stops suddenly,
If this still happens, you're panicking /blur and letting go of the clutch too fast. Fuck the world. You're learning, they were noobs once upon a time too. Try again, this time, when you start the car, accelerate to wake your car up and do all the steps again - Leave Clutch S..L..O..W..L..Y..
"But teach me how to change gears!" I yelled at my sister
"Ok fine! I'll teach you. Let's go" She said furiously
I did what I was taught 2 months ago, starting the car. 2 minutes in and she yelled, "Change the gear now!"
I screamed, "How!"
"Stop! Stop! Brake daba!"
I was thrown out of the drivers seat, just like that. Lesson Learnt: None.
Gear TWO
I don't think you're going to need Gear 3, 4 and especially 5 but what's the harm in telling?
Point To Remember: Never take directly to Gear 2, 3, 4 or 5. You don't tell a baby to start running as soon as it's born! First you crawl, walk and then RUN (that's gears 1, 2 and 3 for you) :P
When in Gear 1: Stay within 10 to 20
When you cross 20, change to Gear 2
I usually dance between Gear 1 and Gear 2 so that's all I can tell you.
That thing they show in movies, the hero is fastly changing the gears and you're like WHOA! Me too! This is your moment. /wahaha
If your car is in Gear 2, Give your Signal (Right hand side of steering wheel) to which direction you're going in, well before the actual turn and slowly take your car in that direction.
The moment your car is straight,
Great! :D
Same goes for left right turns, instead of taking a U, you just go left or right. Make sure your car is on either sides and NOT In the middle. You don't want to angry the people who're behind you
When you see approaching crossroad and you want to go STRAIGHT,
Humans are careless. As soon as I get into my car, I become a machine and pedestrians become humans and humans are careless.
One time I almost knocked off a small family of 3 on a bike. /no Thankfully, I had pressed the brake on time but the father had kept his feet on the bonnet, so he became the hero. I didn't mind it, the kid said, "Daddy saved us!"
Practice driving at speed 10 km/hr and press your brake from time to time, making sure your car doesn't stop. Take rounds of empty roads in that slow speed, again making sure your car doesn't stop. When you've are 15 km atleast like this, you're ready to take on the market streets. Till then, DONT. Humans are careless.
So that's all of driving I've learnt so far :)
I hope this post has helped/ will help you in your driving.
Until I learn more,
Sadly, I don't have many pictures but I'm going to write clear enough that you get the gist of what I'm talking, even newbie drivers.
The downside of going to a driving school is their cars are 'special'. The passenger's seat also has a set of Accelerator, Brake and Clutch, so when you think you're driving nicely, you aren't.. it's just your 'master' who's making it easy for you. Also, driving your own car and the driving school car is very different. Your car maybe in top condition, theirs- maybe not so much.
P.S: I've taught myself how to drive (ok, my sister taught me how to start the car) but everything else is my opinion what I've learnt so far and how I learnt. /nobigdeal
For Newbie Drivers:
#1: Pre-driving Check:
- Adjust your seat to sit properly,
- Arrange the Rear-view mirror, so that you clearly see through the back glass (and not the people who will sit at the back!),
- Arrange the Left and Right mirrors such that you can see little of your car
- Check your gear is neutral: move it slightly and it should feel free, it should be exactly in the center.

YOU'RE SET! /wahaha
#2: Urdu wali A-B-C
In Urdu, you start writing from the right hand side of the page and the Accelerator Brake Clutch are placed Urdu Style
Before starting the car, keep your feet on them and repeat five times while feeling them: Accelerator, Brake, Clutch I'm not joking. Make your conscience used to this and you won't panic ever.
- Now start the car,
- Release the hand brake (emergency brake),
- Completely press the clutch,
- Put your car in 1st gear and slowly lose the clutch.
Voila! Your car is moving!
#3: "So, okay, my car took two steps and stopped" #Embarrassed
It's fine. Happens to me when in crowded places. People behind honk horns, auto wallahs curse you, passing by bikers say, "gadi chalani nahi aati" loud enough for you to hear, sometimes I'm in the middle of the road, that is the Worst Driving Moment Ever. The key is deep breaths. Siriusly.
When your car stops suddenly,
- Take a deep breath,
- Shut your car,
- Press clutch fully,
- Put your gear on neutral,
- Turn on car,
- Try again.
If this still happens, you're panicking /blur and letting go of the clutch too fast. Fuck the world. You're learning, they were noobs once upon a time too. Try again, this time, when you start the car, accelerate to wake your car up and do all the steps again - Leave Clutch S..L..O..W..L..Y..
#4 Gears and Speed
"But teach me how to change gears!" I yelled at my sister
"Ok fine! I'll teach you. Let's go" She said furiously
I did what I was taught 2 months ago, starting the car. 2 minutes in and she yelled, "Change the gear now!"
I screamed, "How!"
"Stop! Stop! Brake daba!"
I was thrown out of the drivers seat, just like that. Lesson Learnt: None.
So here's the gear box made easy for you:
N = Neutral,
Orange lines show you the way!
Gear ONE
Point To Remember: Never take directly to Gear 2, 3, 4 or 5. You don't tell a baby to start running as soon as it's born! First you crawl, walk and then RUN (that's gears 1, 2 and 3 for you) :P
SPEEDOMETER and Gears (based on km/hr):
When in Gear 1: Stay within 10 to 20
When you cross 20, change to Gear 2
I usually dance between Gear 1 and Gear 2 so that's all I can tell you.
#4: Changing Gears Like A Boss
That thing they show in movies, the hero is fastly changing the gears and you're like WHOA! Me too! This is your moment. /wahaha
- When Taking Turns (Left/ Right Turns or U-Turns)
If your car is in Gear 2, Give your Signal (Right hand side of steering wheel) to which direction you're going in, well before the actual turn and slowly take your car in that direction.
The moment your car is straight,
- Change to Gear 1,
- Press clutch fully,
- Keep your feet lightly over the brake,
- Fully turn your steering wheel,
- Release Clutch S..L..O..W..L..Y
- Now that your car is in the lane, steer your wheel in the opposite direction to make your car straight again.
- Go to speed 20, if no or less traffic, Change to Gear 2
Great! :D
Same goes for left right turns, instead of taking a U, you just go left or right. Make sure your car is on either sides and NOT In the middle. You don't want to angry the people who're behind you
- Tackling Crossroads
Crossroads freak me out, especially the ones that have speedbreakers right before the crossroad but you can always tame them!
- Change to Gear 1,
- Press clutch fully
- Keep the clutch under control and feet lightly on the brake,
- Make sure your car is not in the extreme corners but somewhere in the middle (so that cars coming from other directions wont crash into you)
- When you've managed to leave the road you were on and you're in the crossroad, you've passed, release the clutch slowly and accelerate to 20
- Change to Gear 2
#5: Markets and Careless Humans
Humans are careless. As soon as I get into my car, I become a machine and pedestrians become humans and humans are careless.
One time I almost knocked off a small family of 3 on a bike. /no Thankfully, I had pressed the brake on time but the father had kept his feet on the bonnet, so he became the hero. I didn't mind it, the kid said, "Daddy saved us!"
Practice driving at speed 10 km/hr and press your brake from time to time, making sure your car doesn't stop. Take rounds of empty roads in that slow speed, again making sure your car doesn't stop. When you've are 15 km atleast like this, you're ready to take on the market streets. Till then, DONT. Humans are careless.
So that's all of driving I've learnt so far :)
I hope this post has helped/ will help you in your driving.
Until I learn more,
Haha....although i change gears like a pro, I really enjoyed reading through the whole thing!
ReplyDeleteI think you will think of adding #6 in some time - Handling slopes - If you thought getting that accelerator=clutch thing was bad, remember there is worse still. It called handbrake-clutch-accelerator on the flyover when your car starts slipping backwards and the one behind you starts honking like mad and your engine gives up on you - That i tell you, not with the intention of scaring but its-gonna-happen-so don't-panic, is the ultimate nightmare !
I haven't taken on highways yet! Thanks for the head's up, I'll keep that in mind :D
Deletegood to see a post here after a while. you have truly put together a comprehensive 101 for beginners. the way you have explained the concepts and the most common errors is easy to grasp, and of course, a delight to read.
ReplyDeletei wrote something that your and your readers might benefit from as you take things to the next stage and enjoy the meditative aspect of driving.
that's is a really good read! I will put a link on my next post :)
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ReplyDeleteA print of this must be put on the front door of every driving school.
ReplyDeletehaha.. you're too kind :) Thanks!
ReplyDeletevry nyce!